Unreal Engine 5.4.4 – Список исправлений

Во вторник Epic Games выкатила хотфикс для движка, прокачав его версию до 5.4.4.

Список изменений:

UE-213979 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry!FPathTree::RemovePath(FName,TFunctionRef) [PathTree.cpp:96]
UE-220701 Fix crash when IK Retargeting old animation (prior to 5.0)
UE-220438 Ensure in FindOrCreatConstraint and missing collisions
UE-220079 Values not computing when connected to a branch node and to another block
UE-220111 Constraints: Spawnable MH and Constraints not working.
UE-220232 Sequencer: Control Rig: Control Rig’s require ULevelSequence instead of UMovieSceneSequence
UE-220463 Missing Steam Deck script files from Unreal Engine Release
UE-221294 Crash when attempting to switch visibility on a particle during the unloading process in Chaos Visual Debugger
UE-220391 The scripts we ship for PS plugin point at the old PSInfra repo
UE-220627 README files for Mover, GAS, and Network Prediction are missing from distributed UE builds
UE-220346 Crash in PlayReverse
UE-221212 Pixel Streaming crashes when no audio device is found
UE-218250 Vulkan – Lens_DepthOfField_Circle fails with critical error
UE-220454 Switchboard connection and performance issues
UE-220350 Sequencer Root motion breaks down when using SwapRootWithActor, translation track and transform origin actor
UE-218912 GitHub 12055 : Fix OpenXR Android standalone app might encoutner deadlock and stuck in InitHMDs while launching app.
UE-221324 Unable to Generate Project Files on MacOS Sequoia and Xcode 16: Platform Mac is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly and that you have the necessary platorm support files (DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini, SDK.json, etc).
UE-219577 Updates for Android 14 compatibility with TargetSDK 34
– RegisterReceiver changes
– Receiver exports in manifest
– Update GooglePAD to latest PlayCore (note: this requires changes to logic for ShowConfirmationDialog!)
– Update billing library to 6.0.1
UE-221566 Linux builds are missing toolchain in 5.4.4
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